Assalam Dear Parents,
I hope my email finds you in a good health and Eman,
Here is our newsletter from the French classroom. We had a great month! We learned the numbers 5 to 10 in French: cinq,six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
We learned some parts of the body:les yeux,le nez,la bouche.
We know the names of some colours:bleu,rouge,jaune,vert.
We can sing:
Le petit poisson dans l’eau nage, nage, nage, nage
Gesture teaching : Bonjour, ami, cercle,madame,monsieur,lève-to i, assieds-toi,saute,arrête,march e, court, fantastique,finit,au revoir, chante,dors, se réveille !
We introduced the play – Les trios petits cochons –
Song – Qui a peur du méchant loup, qui a peur du méchant loup – With DVD.
Fais un dessin ? Game.
Learning the names of the 7 days of the week in order through a fun and interactive song.
Talking about the weather, and learning about the different vocabulary associated with that through the weather/calendar songs.
We did French alphabet : F – G – H- I- J-K- L- M- N new words ( FILLE – GUITARE- HIBOU – IGLOO- JUS – KIWI – LOUP- MAISON- NEZ )
InshaAllah in the upcoming weeks we will continue working on:
The sounds and actions of some letters
Practice writing French alphabet
Counting to 20 in French
Tracing the letters in our notebooks.
Reading new French words.