Monday 29 September 2014

The Hajj Nasheed نشيد الحج

Assalamu Alikum Dear Parents,

Below is the Hajj Nasheed we are singing in class this week. The nasheed is identical to the English version, which is The Hajj. You can check the link below if you would like to listen to it.

كلنا سنذهب إلى الحج، كلنا سنذهب إلى الحج
                            كلنا سنذهب ، كلنا سنذهب، كلنا سنذهب إلى الحج.

سنلبس الأبيض في الحج، سنلبس الأبيض في الحج
                            سنلبس الأبيض، سنلبس الأبيض، سنلبس الأبيض في الحج.

سنطوف حول الكعبة  سبع مرات، سنطوف حول الكعبة سبع مرات

             سنطوف حول الكعبة ، سنطوف حول الكعبة، سنطوف حول الكعبة سبع مرات.

سنسعى بين الصفا والمروة ، سنسعى بين الصفا والمروة
              سنسعى بين الصفا ، سنسعى بين الصفا ، سنسعى بين الصفا والمروة.

سنشرب ماء زمزم، سنشرب ماء زمزم
                         سنشرب ماء، سنشرب ماء، سنشرب ماء زمزم.

سنرمي الجمرات على الشيطان، سنرمي الجمرات على الشيطان
                       سنرمي الجمرات، سنرمي الجمرات، سنرمي الجمرات على الشيطان.

سنقف بجبل عرفات ، سنقف بجبل عرفات
                         سنقف بجبل، سنقف بجبل، سنقف بجبل عرفات.

سنذبح الأضحية في الحج، سنذبح الأضحية في الحج
                          سنذبح الأضحية ، سنذبح الأضحية ، سنذبح الأضحية في الحج.

                                  مااااااااااااااء ... مااااااااااااااااااء :)

Last Week's Update

Arabic Language:

- Practiced classroom rules and routines in Arabic.
- Learned how to to respond to: How are you? What is your name? And how old are you?
- Started learning how to read the calendar.
- Started learning about the weather.
- Learned how to identify, trace and pronounce the letter "Alif" (Allah - Adam - Amira- Arnab).
- Memorized some Nasheeds (Banana, If you happy and you know it, My body...etc.)
- Read some story books to help enriching vocabulary.

English Language (Tr. Hiat):

- Learned how to respond to greetings.
- Learned circle time manners.
- Learned new nasheeds.
- Read some story books and some were on the felt board.

French Language (Tr. Said):

- Learned how to respond to greetings.
- Learned some action verbs.
- Started learning the colors.

Quran (Tr. Sahar):

- Practiced reciting أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم ، بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
- Started memorizing Surah Al- Fatiha. الفاتحة.
- Learned the nasheed أنا إنسان أنا إنسان   سَوَّانٍي ربي الرحمن

Library (Tr. Nancy):

- Learned library manners.
- Listened to stories.
- P.S. A note from Tr. Nancy will be distributed to inform you about the policy of borrowing books from the library.


- Learned the circle shape. الدائرة
- The colors RED, Yellow and Blue. Colored a worksheet with the 3 colors.
- Counting to 10.
- Learned new nasheed about numbers.
- Learned how to identify number 1.


- Learned about living and non-living things.
- Observed a live snail moving.
- Answered a Living and Non-Living work sheet.
- learned the living nasheed.

Islamic Studies:

- Practiced reciting the eating, washroom and sleeping Duaa's.
- Learned the nasheed الله ربي.
- Participate in morning recitation of Surahs: Alfatiha, Al-Ikhlas - Al-Falaq and Annas.
- Talked generally about the 5 pillars of Islam.

Gym (in Arabic):

- Learned the Gym rules.
- Played walk-stop, run-stop using small red, blue and yellow rings to integrate math and gym.

A very big Jazakum Allahu Khyran to the two wonderful teachers Nagwa and Heba for their great work. Please keep them in your Duaa's.

JK2 Team
 Nermin, Nagwa and Heba

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Words of the day...

Primary Colors

 أَحْمَر Red- Ahmar

أَصْفَر Yellow - Asfar

ِِأَزْرَق Blue - Azraq

Sunday 21 September 2014

Last Week's Update...

Arabic Language:

- Practiced classroom rules and routines in Arabic. Student's responded very well, Alhamdulilah.
- Learned how to to respond to greetings السلام عليكم - وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
- Started learning the days of the week, months in Islam, numbers and year.
- Started learning about the weather.
- Learned how to say "my name is...." أنا إسمي
- Learned how to hold a pencil, and write in Arabic from right to left.
- Traced dot-to-dot activities. One straight lined sheet and one wavy lined sheet.
- Memorized some nasheeds.
- Read some story books to help enriching vocabulary.

English Language (Tr. Hiat):

- Learned how to respond to greetings.
- Learned circle time manners.
- Learned new nasheeds.
- Read some story books and some were on the felt board.

French Language (Tr. Said):

- Learned how to respond to greetings.
- Learned some action verbs.
- Started learning the colors.

Quran (Tr. Sahar):

- Practiced reciting أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم ، بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
- Started memorizing Surah Al- Fatiha. الفاتحة.
- Learned the nasheed أنا إنسان سَوَّانٍي ربي الرحمن

Library (Tr. Nancy):

- Learned library manners.
- Listened to stories.
- P.S. A note from Tr. Nancy will be distributed to inform you about the policy of borrowing books from the library.


- Learned the circle shape. الدائرة
- The color RED أحمر.
- Counting to 10.
- Learned new nasheed about numbers.


- Learned about living and non-living things.
- learned the living nasheed.

Islamic Studies:

- Practiced reciting the eating, washroom and sleeping Duaa's.
- Learned the nasheed الله ربي.

Gym (in Arabic):

- Learned the Gym rules.
- Played walk-stop, run-stop.
-Played what time is it Mr. Fox. كم الساعة يا ثعلب؟
- Played Duck, Duck, Goose. يطة، بطة ، وزة

A very big Jazakum Allahu Khyran to the two wonderful teachers Nagwa and Heba for their great work. Please keep them in your Duaa's.

JK2 Team
 Nermin, Nagwa and Heba

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Living and Non-living Things

Assalamu Alikum Dear Parents,

Today Junior Kindergartners enjoyed the living and non-living things lesson by observing a live guinea pig! I'd like to thank Teacher Jessica for bringing in her pet guinea pig named Leo to the class. The students got to observe first hand a living creature, which was tied into today's lesson.

They enjoyed feeding him while singing the living things song. The song, which was sung in Arabic, is identical to the French  version, which is FRERE JACQUES. 

We focused on 3 words in the song. They are typed in red in the song.

هو يأكل، هو يشرب، يتنفس، يتنفس

هو هو حي 
هو هو حي 

يتنفس يتنفس

We will continue talking about the living and non-living things tomorrow, Insha'Allah and answer a working sheet.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Morning Nasheed

اجْلِس - قِفْ

اجْلِس ، اجْلِس ، اجْلِس ،اجْلِس

قِفْ قِفْ قِفْ

قِفْ قِفْ قِفْ

اجْلِس ، اجْلِس ، اجْلِس ،اجْلِس

قِفْ قِفْ قِفْ

قِفْ قِفْ قِفْ

تَحَرًّك ، تَوَقَّف ، تَحَرًّك ، تَوَقَّف

دُرْ ، دُرْ ، دُرْ 

دُرْ ، دُرْ ، دُرْ 

Sit down 
Stand up
Turn around

Words of Day 6

Pencil - Qalam  قَلَمْ

Scissors- Miqas مِقَصْ 

Glue - Samgh  صَمْغْ

Words of Day 5

                         I am hungry - Ana Jaw'aan أنَا جَوْعَان 

I am thirsty - Ana A'tshaan أنا عَطَْشَان 

I need the washroom - Urido Al Hammam أُرِيدُ الحَمَّام

Thursday 11 September 2014

Words of Day 4

1- أحمر Ahmar - Red 
قلم أحمر A red pen

2- حمام Hammam - Washroom
حمام الأولاد Boy's Washroom
حمام البنات  Girl's Washroom

3- حقيبة Haqqiba - Bag/Backpack
علِّق الحقيبة Hang the backpack

Words of Day 3

يَدِي      My Hand - Yadi 
يدي صغيرة My hand is small

فُرْشَاة     Brush - Forshaah
فرشاة طويلة  A big brush

أَلْوَان     Colors - Alwaan
ألوان حقيبتي جميلة The colors of my backpack are beautiful

Words of Day 2

1- اسمع Esmaa- Listen
اسمع لي Listen to me

2- اقفل Eqfil - Colse/Shut
اقفل يدك Close your hand

3- ارفع يدك Erfaa Yadak - Raise your hand up

Words of Day 1

1- أنظر Onthor  - Look
 أنظر إلى المعلمة Look at the teacher

2- اجلس Ejlis- Sit
اجلس مكانك Sit in your spot

3- قف Qif - Stand 
قف في الطابور Stand in line

4- توقف Tawaqqaf - Stop
توقف عن الجَري Stop running

JK2 Daily Schedule

Abraar School مدرسة الأبرار
Weekly Schedule for JK2  جدول الأسبوع لصف الروضة

معلمة: نرمين سكيك                                                         العام الدراسي: 2014-2015

Period الحصة 
Time الوقت 
Mon الإثنين
Tues الثلاثاء
Wed الأربعاء
Thu الخميس
Fri الجمعة

8:00 – 8:35
Arrival, table-top activities… الوصول والأركان التعليمية


8:35 – 9:15
حوار الصباح
(الطقس والتاريخ)
Circle time
حوار الصباح
(الطقس والتاريخ)
Circle time
حوار الصباح
(الطقس والتاريخ)
Circle time
حوار الصباح
(الطقس والتاريخ)
Circle time


9:15 – 9:55

لغة عربية
لغة عربية
لغة عربية

9:55 – 10:30
Washroom & Snack دورة المياه\ وجبة خفيفة


10:30 – 10:55
لغة فرنسية





10:55 – 11:35

معمل الحاسوب
Computer Lab
لغة فرنسية

11:35 – 12:20
Washroom and Lunch دورة المياه والغداء

12:20 – 1:10
 Outdoor play وقت الفسحة
1:10 - :25
Transition (come in from outside and washroom) الدخول من الفسحة والاستعداد للنوم
1:25 - 2:20
Nap time وقت القيلولة
2:20 - 2:35
Fold blankets/Washroom/Snack  طي البطاطين\ دورة المياه\ وجبة خفيفة
2: 35 – 3:00
Educational Centres
الأركان التعليمية
Educational Centres
الأركان التعليمية
Educational Centres
الأركان التعليمية
Educational Centres
الأركان التعليمية
3:00 – 3:20

Story time Dismissalوقت الذهاب للمنزل + قصة
Story and Dimissal

Tuesday 9 September 2014

September's Expectations

Theme: All about Me

For the month of September students are expected to do the following:

1-      Personal and Social Development:
-          Complete activities to show information about themselves and their families. (Name, age, School, Family members, Classmates, likes and dislikes, etc.)
2-      Language Arts:
-          Follow instructions to complete language based tasks.
-          Follow directions in target language (Arabic). (Classroom rules and routines, action verbs, etc.).
-          Recite theme related Nasheeds.

3-      Mathematics:
-          Compare, sort and classify objects according to different attributes (Size, shape, colors,etc).
4-      Science and Technology:
-          Identify and sort living and non-living things.
-          Explore the life cycle of some living things (butterfly, frog, hen, etc.).

5-      Health and Physical Activity:
-          Identify basic body needs. (Eating, drinking, sleeping, etc).

6-      The Arts:
-          Explore a variety of tools used in art making. (Crayons, pencils, markers, paint brushes, etc.).
-          Demonstrate an understanding of primary colors. (Red, yellow, and blue).

7-      Islamic Studies:
-          Recite morning Quran (Al Fatiha).
-          Practice reciting the daily Duaa’s. (Eating, Washroom, Sleeping and leaving the house).

8-      Culminating Task (Project):

-          Likes and dislikes presentations.

Monday 1 September 2014

Arabic Books Sale on Back to School Night

Welcome to JK Arabic Immersion Class

Welcome, students!

It is our great pleasure to have you in our Junior Kindergarten Arabic Immersion Class!

Looking forward to a year filled with fun, love, and excitement.

Junior Kindergarten Team
Nermin, Nagwa and Heba