Monday 23 March 2015

A Message from Teacher Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
​There is updated information about the library reading program. ​
Please visit 
​the ​
Read With Me  
​on the school library website. 

​Have a great day, inshaAllah.

Nancy-Ann Brethour

Sunday 15 March 2015

Weekly Update March (9-13).

Theme: At School في المدرسة

Arabic Language اللغة العربية:
- We finished our theme “At School”. 
- Students learned a lot of new vocabulary about school, and we read great stories about the importance of learning and reading.  
- We are done learning the letter ط (طه، طماطم، طحين، طاووس.
And to wrap up our lesson we made pizza, and students got to have fun and learn thatطحين means flour and طماطم means tomatoes.

-Show and Tell was also theme related. I was truly amazed with all the wonderful videos and great crafts the students brought for Show and Tell! Keep up the great work JK!
- We finished our “Speak Arabic Marble Jar”, and we had an ice cream party as a celebration. 

- Masha’ Allah I am very pleased with the outstanding work the students do when they are chosen to be the teacher’s helper. 

Math الحساب:
- Students reviewed numbers 1 to 5, and they learned one to one correspondence.
- Students are now learning to count backwards from 10 to 0 in Arabic. 

Islamic Studies التربية الإسلامية:
- Students are learning The Pillars of Islam Nasheed in Arabic.

Arts الفنون:
- Rayan’s mother read us a story using many props about A Shark’s Feelings, and students were asked questions about the different creatures that live in the sea. 
 - As a follow up activity, Tr. Heba asked students to use their imagination to draw life under the sea. Students worked in groups to draw their pictures. Each group got a big chart paper, and they worked together to draw different sea creatures. They worked together beautifully, and each group had a different picture. Thank you very Tr. Heba! 
- This was the first group activity to be done with the JKs, and in shaa Allah we plan on doing more group activities.


Thanks to:
- I would like to thank Tr. Nagwa for her continuous hard work and dedication.  We couldn’t have done it without you!
- Thanks to all the parents who helped their children with the fabulous Show and Tell.
- Thank you for your generous food donations for our party.
- I would also like to thank Rayan’s mother for taking the time to come read us a lovely story that the students truly enjoyed. 

Recommendations for March Break:
- Please take the time to watch this amazing video that teaches us some of the Sunnah. You will really enjoy it in shaa Allah!

- If you are interested in buying a great dictionary that will help you and your child learn a lot of Arabic vocabulary, I recommend you buy Arabic –English Visual Dictionary.  It is an Arabic /English dictionary based on themes. You can check the pictures below: 

Have a great March break everyone!

Jazakum Allahu Khyran

Tuesday 10 March 2015

A message from Tr. Nancy!

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

Updated information about the Read With Me program has been posted on the school library website.

Have a great day, inshaAllah.


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Spirit Day #6

Sunday 8 March 2015

Weekly Update March (2-6).

Theme: At School في المدرسة

Arabic Language اللغة العربية:
- Students learned the letter ض (ضفدع ، ضبع، ضرس، ضابط. 
- We discussed the importance of reading and learning.

Math الحساب:
- Students learned the number 6 through coloring 6 objects and writing number 6 in their worksheets.

Science العلوم: 
- Students talked about WATER ( where does it come from, and the properties of water).

Islamic Studies التربية الإسلامية:
- Students attended the Salah workshop in the gym. Jazakum Allahu Khyran Tr. Rania, Tr. Salma, and Tr. Dina for arranging this.
- We are memorizing the 5 pillars of Islam nasheed.

Arts الفنون:
- Students had fun making GAK using different materials like glue, food coloring, borax, and water.

- Students were given different art materials to try and make anything that start with the letter ض. We have some real artists in our classroom, Masha'Allah.
- Twins day was very successful masha'Allah! Students looked very nice looking like twins.

Thanks to:
Jazaki Allahu Khyran our dear student, Tasnim for the Quran Juzu' you gave to all your friends. May Allah reward you and your family.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran

Sunday 1 March 2015

Weekly Update. February (23-27).

Theme: At School في المدرسة

Arabic Language اللغة العربية:

- We have been talking about our school مدرسة الأبرار, our classroom صف الروضة, and the importance of reading أهمية القراءة.
- We learned the letter ص (صالح، صفية، صدقة، صندوق، صحن، صلاة، صاروخ). Students learned about giving Sadaqa to the poor.
- We started the first session of the Roots of Empathy program.
- Teacher Sahar and I started thinking of giving privileges to students. One of them is to choose a student to participate in the morning assembly with the whole school in the gym. Students are very excited about that, Alhamdulilah. 

Arts الفنون:

-          Students made paper back backpack and filled it with school supplies colored and cut all by themselves.

Mathematics: الحِساب:

-       Learned the oval and diamond shapes (البيضوي و المُعين).

Science العلوم::

-          Learned about water absorbing properties امتصاص الماء.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran!