Monday 3 April 2017

A Message from Monsieur Said

Assalam Dear Parents,

I hope my email finds you in a good health and Eman,
Here is  our newsletter from the French classroom. We had a great month! We learned the numbers 5 to 10 in French: cinq,six, sept, huit, neuf, dix.
We learned some parts of the body:les yeux,le nez,la bouche.
We know the names of some colours:bleu,rouge,jaune,vert.
We can sing:
Le petit poisson dans l’eau nage, nage, nage, nage 
Gesture teaching : Bonjour, ami, cercle,madame,monsieur,lève-toi, assieds-toi,saute,arrête,marche, court, fantastique,finit,au revoir, chante,dors, se réveille !
 We introduced the play – Les trios petits cochons –
 Song – Qui a peur du méchant loup, qui a peur du méchant loup – With DVD.
Fais un dessin ? Game.

 Learning the names of the 7 days of the week in order through a fun and interactive song.

Talking about the weather, and learning about the different vocabulary associated with that through the weather/calendar songs. 

 We did French alphabet : F – G – H- I- J-K- L- M- N  new words  ( FILLE – GUITARE- HIBOU – IGLOO- JUS – KIWI – LOUP- MAISON- NEZ )
InshaAllah in the upcoming weeks we will continue working on:
    The  sounds and actions of some letters
    Practice writing French alphabet
   Counting to 20 in French
    Tracing the letters in our notebooks.
    Reading  new  French  words.
   For any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at

Thursday 30 March 2017

A message from Teacher Sahar

Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents,

The students are working on Surat Almaoon.

Please help your child to memorize it!


Sunday 26 March 2017

Hockey and Potluck Night

It’s Game Time!
Come join us for a fun-filled evening watching the Green JK2 team battle the Red JK2 team.
Friday, March 31 @ 5PM
Abraar School Gym

Potluck event- We need every 5 parents to bring one of the following:
Main Dish – Dessert – Finger Foods - Salad – Beverages
*Please make sure all foods are NUT and SESAME free.

Heads up game will be played with parents and students.
*Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 29, and inform me of the dish you will be providing.

Thank you!

Latest Updates

Things we covered:

-The students now are be able to:
- learn how to recognize, trace, and color the letters ص - ط.
- try and investigate new science experiments.

- learn more about Dinosaurs (workshop), and bird's migration (IMAX movie) during our field trip to the Museum of Nature, and visit the ocean and space galleries. 

- participate in the 100 days of school activities, and learn how to count to 100 in Arabic.


- painting using different materials to explore different textures.

- participate in making 'stress balls' as a fine-motor skill activity.

- discover and observe their own plants. The students planted flower seeds, and were so excited when the flower seeds started to bud. 

- learned all about transportation. The students made a key chain with the transportation flash cards.
- measure items according to their length.
- use different recyclable materials to make art projects.
- participate in the free morning activities.

Book Hunting:
- Teacher Nermin's husband (Amo Tharwat) has been volunteering to read books for our classroom on his days off.  The students greatly appreciated his storytelling and have requested him to come back.  Please let me know if you are interested in reading a book in Arabic or English for the students at the end of the day (3:15 - 3:30). Your child will feel special knowing his/her mom or dad is reading to the class.
Activities to do at home:
Help your child get mad with science at home... Click on the  YouTube link below.

Help me review:
-Surat Al-Maoon.
- Arabic Alphabet أ- ط.
- Measure items around the house, and compare the length of different objects.

Sing Along With Me, or Listen to me Recite:
- You can subscribe to the YouTube channel below for some educational Arabic Songs:
- Practice reciting the last 2 Ayas of Surat AlBaqara.

Thanks to: 
- Ismael's family for donating $200 to our classroom. Alhamdulilah we were able to purchase new chairs for the reading are, and will purchase a new carpet soon, Insha'Allah.

- Yasmine's family for donating a $100 gift card to our classroom. We were able to purchase 3 new educational toys for the students.

- Tia and Lillyanne's mothers who kindly gave the teachers flowers on the Arabic Mother's Day :)  

- Teacher Heba and Abraar school for helping us purchase new Arabic materials (flashcards and posters) for our classroom.

Coming Up:
- Backyard Bugs Workshop (Friday, April 21).
- Swimming Field Trip.
- Hockey and Potluck Night (An invitation will follow).
- Spirit Day (Sportswear Day) on Wednesday, March 29.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran,
JK2 Team

Sunday 12 February 2017

Latest Updates

Things we covered:

-The students now are be able to.

1- recognize the letters خ- ش.

2- Know their 2D shapes (دائرة، مربع، مثلث، مستطيل، قلب، نجمة، بيضوي), and Canadian Coins.

3- use recycled items to make crafts.

4- present their show and tell.
Cupcake Making
Erupting volcano
5- know some skills about cooking and baking, and about the tools used in the kitchen.


 6- name some sea animals in Arabic.

7- participate in different spirit days.
Silly Socks Day

Pyjama Day

Dress like your favorite cartoon character
International Day

8-learn about "Winter and Hibernation" through science experiments (Mini Science Explore Workshop).

9-Participate in daily physical activity and learn about team sports.

10- use their helping hands to help others.

Book Hunting:
- Help your child read books about sea animals, and 2D shapes.

Activities to do at home:
- Enjoy baking cookies, cupcakes, or cakes with your child.
- Go for a walk and find 2D shapes around your area.
- Build a snowman, skate, or even play hockey with your child if you can.

Help me review:
-Surat Al-Kawthar.
- 2D shapes.
- Arabic Alphabet أ-ش, English Alphabet A-P, and French Alphabet A-N.
- Bendable and breakable objects, and Kitchen tools used in Baking.

Sing Along With Me, or Listen to me Recite:
- Sea animals song:
- Ayatul Kursi آية الكرسي before bed time (Now we are reciting the last 2 Ayas of Suratul Baqara before nap time).
- The Duaa' for sleep باسمك اللهم أموت وأحيا.

Thanks to: 
-Rzan's parents for purchasing a smart T.V. for our classroom. 
-Daniah's parents for purchasing a smart T.V. for JK1 Classroom (Teacher Hiat's).
- Tulin's parents for purchasing a new built in computer for our classroom.
- Hamza's father for purchasing a new software  for the new computer, and for his time and effort in installing and downloading new programs/apps for the students to use.
- Rzan and Lillyanne's mothers for volunteering and helping in our classroom.
- All the parents who helped their children finish the 2D shapes booklet.
May Allah reward you and shower you all with his blessings and mercy!
Thank you :)

Coming Up:
- Friday, February 17 is the  "Seminar on Teaching and Learning: Preparing Muslim K-12 Students for the 21st Century". No school for students.
- Monday, February 20 is Family day, School is closed.
- Wednesday, February 22 is the field trip day to the museum of nature. Please note that we only need 3 volunteers and they will be the first 3 parents to register.
- Report Cards.
- Parent-Teacher Interviews.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran,
JK2 Team