Saturday, 3 December 2016

Bi-Weekly Update (November 21- December 2)

Things we covered:

- Explored new textures by making GAK (Thick slime).

- Made a snowy winter portrait by using a variety of art tools.
- Participated in the Anti-Bullying assembly, and had the chance to attend the Anti-bullying workshop that took place on the same day we had the Mellow-Yellow spirit day.
- Participated in the Costume Day activities. All the students looked beautiful in their costumes, Masha'Allah.

- Enjoyed our PC Cooking ClubField Trip. The students had fun learning about the 4 food groups, playing the scavenger's hunt, and making pizza and fruit salad with yogurt.

- Started using the Computer Lab. Our Computer Lab period will be the last period of every Tuesday.
- Learned about Temperature. The students compared, sorted, and classified objects according to their temperature. The students enjoyed a hot chocolate treat at the end of their hard work!
- Learned a new letter ح حوت, and read the story of حمزة وصديقه حسان.  The students also made the ح حوت craft. 

Book Hunting:
- Please check the following website for free online story books. Thanks to Dina's mother for recommending it.
- An e-mail will follow with the username and password to our new ireadarabic website.

Activities to do at home:
- Help your child make his/her own GAK at home. Please check the website below:
- Go around the grocery store and talk about healthy and unhealthy food choices.
- Talk to your child about the importance of stopping bullying. Below are a list of books I recommend you read about bullying:
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst.
 A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon
 The Brand New Kid by Katie Couric
 Don’t Be a Bully Billy: A Cautionary Tale by Phil Roxbee Cox
 How to Lose All of Your Friends by Nancy Carlson
 Judy Moody by Megan McDonald
 King of the Playground by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
 Stop Picking on Me: a First Look at Bullying by Pat Thomas
 We Can Work It Out: Conflict Resolution for Children by Barbara Polland
 Being Bullied by Kate Petty & Charlotte Firmin
Help me review:
A message from teacher Sahar.
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alikum. The students are working on Surat Annas. Please help your child to memorize it.

Sing Along With Me:
- نشيد المزرعة
- نشيد الحيوانات

My Arabic Words:
 بارد  ساخن


 فاكهة وخضروات
Thanks to: 
- Tuqa's parents for donating a homemade cardboard window for our students to play with.
Coming Up:
- Winter Break (Dec 26, 2016 – Jan 6, 2017).

Jazakum Allahu Khyran,

Monday, 21 November 2016

Bi-Weekly Update (October 31- November 18)

Things we covered:

- The students reviewed the letters أ، ب، ت، ث using art tools.

- We learned how to identify the letter ج and made the ج جمل craft. Please check our bulletin board display.

- We have been exploring new movements and playing some new games during our gym time.

- We have been investigating the some sinking and floating materials.
- The students were exploring the life cycles in some living things. We learned about human life cycles and made a booklet for our friend Raya's new born baby brother. Congratulations to the family!
- We learned the number 5 and made a hand craft with 5 fingers to count. Boys added a watch to on the wrest and girls painted the nails with real nail polish!

 -We reviewed the reading and counting of the numbers 1-5. The students counted the numbers and drew pictures from their own imagination to match the numbers.
- Shaving cream is one thing the students enjoy playing with. We use it for art and crafts.

- The parent-teacher interviews went really well. JAK to all your feedback and continuous support.

Book Hunting:
Great News!
We are going to start using an Arabic Reading Website to help the students read Arabic at home (A version of RAZ kids in Arabic). I will be sending the password to every student this week, Insha'Allah.

Activities to do at home:
Fill a container with water and let your child choose some items around the house and test if they are sinking or floating. You can watch the video below for further clarification:
Help me review:
A message from teacher Sahar:
Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents,
The students are working on  Surat Al-Falaq
Please help your child to memorize it.
Sing Along With Me:
The colors song:
The numbers Song:
My Arabic Words:

خريف،  صيف،  ربيع،  شتاء

Thanks to: 
Maysaan's parents for purchasing a puppet theater for our classroom. May Allah reward you.

Coming Up:
- Tuesday, November 22 is a dress up costume day. 
- Thursday, November 24 is a Field Trip.
- Wednesday, November 30 is a spirit day (Yellow-Mellow Day).

Bi-Weekly Update (October 31- November 18)

Things we covered:

- The students reviewed the letters أ، ب، ت، ث using art tools.

- We learned how to identify the letter ج and made the ج جمل craft. Please check our bulletin board display.

- We have been exploring new movements and playing some new games during our gym time.

- We have been investigating the some sinking and floating materials.
- The students were exploring the life cycles in some living things. We learned about human life cycles and made a booklet for our friend Raya's new born baby brother. Congratulations to the family!
- We learned the number 5 and made a hand craft with 5 fingers to count. Boys added a watch to on the wrest and girls painted the nails with real nail polish!

 -We reviewed the reading and counting of the numbers 1-5. The students counted the numbers and drew pictures from their own imagination to match the numbers.
- Shaving cream is one thing the students enjoy playing with. We use it for art and crafts.

- The parent-teacher interviews went really well. JAK to all your feedback and continuous support.

Book Hunting:
Great News!
We are going to start using an Arabic Reading Website to help the students read Arabic at home (A version of RAZ kids in Arabic). I will be sending the password to every student this week, Insha'Allah.

Activities to do at home:
Fill a container with water and let your child choose some items around the house and test if they are sinking or floating. You can watch the video below for further clarification:
Help me review:
A message from teacher Sahar:
Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents,
The students are working on  Surat Al-Falaq
Please help your child to memorize it.
Sing Along With Me:
The colors song:
The numbers Song:
My Arabic Words:

خريف،  صيف،  ربيع،  شتاء

Thanks to: 
Maysaan's parents for purchasing a puppet theater for our classroom. May Allah reward you.

Coming Up:
- Tuesday, November 22 is a dress up costume day. 
- Thursday, November 24 is a Field Trip.
- Wednesday, November 30 is a spirit day (Yellow-Mellow Day).

Bi-Weekly Update (October 31- November 18)

Things we covered:

- The students reviewed the letters أ، ب، ت، ث using art tools.

- We learned how to identify the letter ج and made the ج جمل craft. Please check our bulletin board display.

- We have been exploring new movements and playing some new games during our gym time.

- We have been investigating the some sinking and floating materials.
- The students were exploring the life cycles in some living things. We learned about human life cycles and made a booklet for our friend Raya's new born baby brother. Congratulations to the family!
- We learned the number 5 and made a hand craft with 5 fingers to count. Boys added a watch to on the wrest and girls painted the nails with real nail polish!

 -We reviewed the reading and counting of the numbers 1-5. The students counted the numbers and drew pictures from their own imagination to match the numbers.
- Shaving cream is one thing the students enjoy playing with. We use it for art and crafts.

- The parent-teacher interviews went really well. JAK to all your feedback and continuous support.

Book Hunting:
Great News!
We are going to start using an Arabic Reading Website to help the students read Arabic at home (A version of RAZ kids in Arabic). I will be sending the password to every student this week, Insha'Allah.

Activities to do at home:
Fill a container with water and let your child choose some items around the house and test if they are sinking or floating. You can watch the video below for further clarification:
Help me review:
A message from teacher Sahar:
Assalamu alaicum Dear Parents,
The students are working on  Surat Al-Falaq
Please help your child to memorize it.
Sing Along With Me:
The colors song:
The numbers Song:
My Arabic Words:

خريف،  صيف،  ربيع،  شتاء

Thanks to: 
Maysaan's parents for purchasing a puppet theater for our classroom. May Allah reward you.

Coming Up:
- Tuesday, November 22 is a dress up costume day. 
- Thursday, November 24 is a Field Trip.
- Wednesday, November 30 is a spirit day (Yellow-Mellow Day).

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Bi-weekly Newsletter (October 17-28)

Things we covered:

- We started reading our Hijri Calendar, checking for the weather, and reading the daily Duaa's.
- We discussed the fall season and went on a walk to explore the signs of fall. 

- The students have been practicing recognizing and reading their names. We also started tracing them as well as decorating them with straws.
- The school's "Green Day" was a fun day. Thanks for sending your child to school dressed in green and white.

- The letter Thaa' was introduced to the students ث (ثوب، ثوم، ثعبان،ثور، ثلج) ث
- We learned the number 4 (أربعة هي أطرافي).
- We started our first lesson in the life cycles unit (life cycle of a butterfly). We made a life cycle of a butterfly craft with pasta, but we are still working on coloring it.
- The students were introduced to game of floor hockey. We talked about how the game is played, the equipment needed to play the game, and the rules. The kids enjoyed the game. 

- Congratulations to the students who won the Kindness certificate for this month's character trait.
Book Hunting:
Great News!
We are going to start using an Arabic Reading Website to help the students read Arabic at home (A version of RAZ kids in Arabic). Further information will be shared with parents later.
A very big JAK to teacher Ghada (SK) for finding the website.

Activities to do at home:

Help your child have some fun decorating his/her own name:

Help me review:
Surat Al-Fatiha
Surat Al-Ikhlaas
The first lesson of Al-Qaida AlNuraniyya

Sing Along With Me:
The seasons in Arabic:

My Arabic Words:





- Please remember to send the library books back to school every Monday.
- Please remember to send your child to school dressed appropriately for the weather. As for now, the children need a warm jacket, a hat, and a pair of mittens.
- Kindly note that homework is optional. Please do not force your child to do the homework.
- Please avoid sending chips and chocolates to school as a snack for your child. We are trying to encourage the students to have healthy eating habits.

Thanks to: Razan's parents for donating rewarding Arabic stickers.

Coming Up:
Friday, November 18 is a PD Day in the morning. The same day in the afternoon will be Parent-Teacher Interviews for assigned students only.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Bi-weekly Newsletter (Oct 3-14)

Things we covered:

- We discussed the importance of Juma' in Islam, and what a Muslim should do on that day. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the students knew quite a lot about the importance of Friday!
- Teacher Sahar, JAK, read the first 10 Ayas of Surat AlKahf with the students and made them watch the story of the companions of the cave.
- We demonstrated the understanding of primary colors أحمر، أصفر، أزرقظ.
- We painted a picture with the three primary colors using sponges and paint.
- We identified, traced, and colored the letter (ب (بسم الله، بقرة، بطة، باب، بيت، برتقال، بطاطا.
- We played "What time is it Mr. Fox... كم الساعة يا ثعلب" in the gym.
- We introduced gym equipment and toys to the students and took turns playing with them.

- We identified healthy choices related to food, exercise, and hygiene.
-We counted, traced, and read the number 3 (3 أنا وأخي وأختي).
- We introduced the letter ت through the story of  princesses Tuqa, Tulin, and Tia eating their تفاح، تمر، and تين.

- We have been practicing reciting the monthly Duaa' اللهم إني أسألك فعل الخيرات، وترك المنكرات، وحب المساكين. It was a good chance to talk about poor people and how we can help them. One of the ways is to send non-perishable items to school for the Sadaqa Food Bank.
- The students are doing amazing recognizing and reading their names and the names of their classmates from the board.
- Our Educational centers time have been fun. The students have the freedom to visit the centers they like, but they are called group by group to participate in a play and learn center to apply what they have learned in the day. i.e. bring 3 toys and place them on the number 3 on the table (one-to-one correspondence).

Book Hunting:
Great News!
The website below sells Arabic textbooks for all ages, and they originate from Canada.

Activities to do at home:
- Watch the story of the companions of the cave with your child:
In Arabic:

In English:

Help me review:
- Review the letters أ، ب، and ت.

- Counting and reading the numbers 1, 2, and 3.

- The primary colors in Arabic.

- Review Surat Alfatiha,and AlKursi before bed time.

Sing Along With Me:
- The days of the week: أيام الأسبوع

- My Family: نحن العائلة

My Arabic Words:


 ارفع يدك

 اجلس معتدلاً

Play at home:
- Painting with shaving cream is so much fun. You should try it!

- The green folder will be sent home every Friday. Please remember to keep all the worksheets at home and send the folder back to school.

Thanks to:
I would like to thank all the parents who send food items for the Sadaqa Food Bank.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran..