Mini theme: Allah created Space الله خلق الفضاء
Language and Islamic Studies: اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلام:
- We started talking about space and how Allah SWT beautifully created the solar system. I was amazing about the amount of knowledge some of our students have about space!
- The students know how to identify, trace and think of words that have the ل and ك sounds:
(ل (لحم، ليمون، لسان، ليل، لؤلؤ
(ك (كتاب، كلب،كعبة، كرسي،
Instead of making a craft about the letter ل. We made a meat barbecue that shaped like the letter (ل (لحم. It was a nice experience, Alhamdulilah.

- Community Day was very successful. Thanks to teachers Hiat and Asma for arranging it. The students had so much fun learning about the jobs of a veterinarian, a fighter fighter, and a safety officer.

- Our field trip to Valley View Little Animal Farm went very well, Alhamdulilah. Our dear students got the opportunity to watch a video about the animals in the farm, feed the animals in the barn, and play in the play structure.
- Bike Rodeo was another successful event, Alhamdulilah. It was a very successful event. Jazakum Allahu Khyran to Khadeeja's mother, Sami' grandmother, Sidra's dad, Zayd's mother, and Taha's mother for volunteering. May Allah reward you all.

- Another great event was the French Cafe. JAK to teacher's Said and Tr. Ameena for organizing it. Our students enjoyed the yummy treats very much, Alhamdulilah.
Science العلوم:
- We invistigated different materials to check which materials are bendable and which ones are breakable. The students were encouraged to take a zip lock bag and search for one thing that is bendeble and another one taht is breakable.
This is the link that we used for surat AL-HUMAZA activity, The story should be at the last third (The Unfair man and the mouse) up:
-Kindergarten Family Fun Potluck (Friday, June 3rd),
- Kindergarten Summer Fun Days. Thanks to teacher Safiah for making the below colorful flyer :)
Jazakum Allahu Khyran