Mini Theme (Planting and bugs) الزراعة

And a sign for them is the dead earth. We have brought it to life and brought forth from it grain, and from it they eat.
Arabic Language اللغة العربية:
- Students have been listening to a variety of stories
related to our mini theme.
- We are done with
the letters ن and هـ (نرمين، نجوى، نورة، نحلة، نخلة، نمر، نار، نملة) ، (هبة،
هند، هلال، هرم، هدهد، هاتف، هدية).
- Jazakum Allahu Khyran Tr. Sahar and Grade 3 students for
being our awesome Arabic reading buddies. Masha’Allah, the Grade 3s act like teachers
trying to make reading fun for the JKs. They read with different tones of voices,
ask comprehension questions, and check for understanding. Way to go grade 3!
Science العلوم:
- Our little tiny
caterpillars are now sleeping in their cocoons. How amazing it is for our
students observing the transformation of the little caterpillar turning into a
big one, then crawling its way up to the top, gluing itself, then starting to
cover itself in the cocoon. Subhan Allah Al Azeem!
- Planting grass was fun! Students learned some new Arabic vocabulary
trying to plant in their cups. We had 3 stations:
1- Putting the soil (الطين)inside
the cup.
2- Adding the seeds (البُذور) on
top of the soil.
3- Spray some water.
Math الحساب:
- Finished our
patters unit. Students should be able to read, complete and make simple
patterns by now. Ask your child to draw a pattern or make it with blocks, kitchen utensils, socks...etc.
Health and Physical activity الصحة
A very big Jazakum Allahu
Khyran to all the teachers, staff, and parents who volunteered during the Bike Rodeo and help making it successful. It was very well
organized, Alhamdulilah!
Arts الفنون:
Dress up like a
professional day was fun. We discovered some great engineers, artists, doctors, teachers, and even school principals in our classrooms, Masha’Allah!
- We discovered some great talents in painting and drawing on the sand in our class, Masha'Allah!
Extra Activities أنشطة إضافية:
- Jazakum Allahu Khyran to all the parents who contributed to the Family Fun Potluck dinner last Thursday. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming!
- If you have any pictures please share them.
Coming up:
- Backyard Bugs Workshop on June 19.
- End of year celebration June 23-24.
- Report Cards June 25.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran!