All About Me كل شيء عني
- We learned about loving one's parents (Showing them love, helping them with house chores etc...).
- We have been reading some interesting books ( الدودة الجائعة جداً، نبتتي في أسبوع، هل رأيت أحرفي ).
- We finished identifying, tracing, and making the crafts for the letter Taa' ت
(تالية ، تمر، تفاح، توت، تمساح، تاج، تسبيح).

- We visited the computer lab for the first time.
- We are still working on our fine motor skills.

Arts and Crafts الفنون والأعمال اليدوية + Science العلوم:
- We have been talking about the Autumn season through reading stories and observing leaves which fell to the ground. We made our 3 in 1 craft. Students were able to color the tree with markers, match the leaves to their correct place, paste them, and paint their hands using fall colors representing the leaves. Students were listening to the nasheed below while they were working on their craft:
Physical Activity الرياضة:
- Exercising, exploring different types of balls, and playing with gym toys are different things students have been doing in the gym.
- Please note that we get our students ready everyday before dismissal time except for Monday, because the last period is Quran and we do not want our students to miss it.
- The last period on Tuesday is computer lab. Please make sure to pick your child up from their.
- Show and tell will start in November. An e-mail regarding that will follow.
- Twins Day is this Thursday! Please read the flyer below: