Sunday, 24 January 2016

Weekly Update (January 18-21)

Theme: Winter

Language and Islamic Studies: اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية
- We discussed the signs of winter, and read some related stories (Just One Goal, But no Elephants, حديقة الرجل الماكر, استيقظي يا صباح).

- Our dear students enjoyed the 3 days ( 40 minutes a day) of the Jungle Gym so much, Alhamdulilah!

- We reviewed the letter د، ذ، ر، and ز. 
- The teacher's Professional Day was very beneficial, Alhamdulilah.

Art and Science الفنون والعلوم: 
- In science we talked about liquids and solids. We integrated that with arts and made colorful ice balls to play with outside.

- Thursday, January 28 is Mellow Yellow Day. Please help your child come to school dressed in yellow.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran!