Theme: Community Workers أَصْحاب المِهَن
Language and Islamic Studies: اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامي
- The students learned the letter ( ك (كعبة، كلب، كرسي، كعكة.
- Grade 4b are our Arabic language reading buddies now. They visited our classroom and read stories to our little ones. JAK to G4 students and their Arabic language, teacher Sahar.
Science: العلوم
- Scientists in school held an amazing workshop about Bugs' Backyard Bugs' in our classroom. The students learned about different bugs, life cycles, bugs body parts...etc.
Arts and Crafts الفنون والأعمال اليدوية:
- Our students had so much fun measuring, mixing, baking, and decorating yummy some yummy cup-cakes as a craft for the letter ك كعبة.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran to:
- Taha's mother for donating a kitchen, toys, and books to our classroom. May Allah reward you.
- Jenna's father and Fehri's mother for volunteering and running 2 centres in the Backyard Bugs workshop.
- Jazakum Allahu Khyran to all the parents who offer to volunteer and help out whenever their help is needed :)
- Jazakum Allahu Khyran to all the parents who offer to volunteer and help out whenever their help is needed :)
Coming up:
- Community Day (Tuesday, May 10).- A Field Trip to the Farm (Wednesday, May 11).
- Bike Rodeo (Tuesday May 17).
- PC Cooking Club Field Trip ( Thursday, May 26)
- Abraar Fundraising Dinner ( Sunday , May 22).
- Statutory Holiday ( Monday, May 23). No School for Students.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran.