Things we covered:
- Practiced sitting on the carpet in an assigned square.
- Learned how to wash our hands properly before eating and after using the washroom.
- Learned each others names using the who ate the cookie from the cookie jar game.
- We are learning the three primary colors أحمر، أصفر، أزرق
- We got all messy from playing with shaving cream and paint.
- The students had fun hand printing on construction papers choosing their favorite colors.
- We learned the number 2 (identification, counting, correspondence, and with a show of fingers).
- We learned the letter (أ (همزة Hamza (أسد، أرنب، الله) (Recognition, tracing, and craft).
- We are still discussing the living and non-living things.
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Placing living & non-living things on the cardboard. |
- The students enjoyed playing duck, duck, goose, and what time is it Mr. Fox in the gym.
- Teacher Nancy JAK has been training the students on how to take care of the library books. The students will borrow their first library book tomorrow, Insha'Allah.
- Teacher Hiat has been teaching the students about the letters A and B. She reads some interesting stories to them, Masha'Allah.
- Teacher Sahar is still working with our students on the memorization of Surah AlFatiha with proper Tajweed and reading rules.
- We went to Cosmic Adventures and it was a lot of fun!
- Design your character hat day was a great success. The students enjoyed wearing a hat that represented them.
Book Hunting:
Enjoy borrowing the following books form the library and reading them with your child:
- Seeing Red by Robert Munsch
- Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
-Something from Nothing by Phoebe Gilman
- Ten on the Sled by Kim Norman
- Arabic Story Books (There is a section for Arabic books at the Centrepointe library, make sure you visit it).
Please note that I read the stories to the students in Arabic. I also read Arabic story books on a daily basis.
Activities to do at home:
- Tell the story of building the Kaaba, the story of Zamzam, and the story of the sacrifice to your child or watch them as a cartoon together.
- Practice holding scissors and cutting in a straight line with your child.
- Practice holding a pencil and tracing a straight line.
- Practice washing hands properly with your child (water, soap, water, dry).
Help me review:
- The Islamic greeting (السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته) and how to respond to it (وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته).
-Eating, nap time, and washroom Duaa's.
اللهم بارك لنا فيه وأطعمنا خيراً منه
باسمك اللهم أموت وأحيا
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث
- Surat Al-Fatiha. (You can download an app called Ayat to help your child memorize).
- Counting number 1 and 2.
- Review the letter همزة أ
Sing Along With Me:
- إجلس، إجلس، إجلس، إجلس.... قف، قف، قف... تحرك ، توقف
- الله ربي، الله ربي، أحب ربي من كلي قلبي، الله ربي وفي علاه, أدعوه ربي أرجو رضاه
- You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel and enjoy watching many Arabic learning videos. Please click on the link below:
My Arabic Words:
Play at home:
- Make your own fake sand!
Mix 7 cups of flour with 1 cup of baby oil, and let your child enjoy the texture of the fake sand. You can add few drops of food coloring to change the color.
- There will be a PD day for teachers on Friday, October 7 therefore there will be no school for students.
- Monday, October 10 (Thanksgiving Day) is a Statutory Holiday. There will be no school for students.
Thanks to:
I would like to thank Hamza's father for donating dress up costumes for our classroom. May Allah reward you.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran.