Welcome back
I pray that you all enjoyed your winter break!
Language and Islamic Studies: اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية
- It was great seeing the JK2's beautiful faces after the winter break, and it was really great finding that they still remember all the classroom rules and routines! Great Job JKs :)
Trust me I can fix this broken wheel!
What should we do with these rings? ......Rings race! We are great thinkers!
Can I have the blue bucket, teacher? I am making you a surprise!
Hold on! Let me smile before you take the picture :)
- Our school's trait for this month is Honesty. And the Duaa' of the month is:
اللهم إني أسألك الصدق واليقين والمعافاة.
We practice making the Duaa' every morning, Alhamdulilah.
- The students learned to identify, trace, and make crafts for the letter ر:
رمان، ريشة، رجل، رمل، رمضان، راكون
- We reviewed the letters أ-ر during our computer lab period. We visited the website lettergarden.com. It is a great website for learning the Arabic alphabets.
Arts and Crafts الفنون والأعمال اليدوية:
- We are trying to finish coloring the "بيتي" booklet.
- We made ر رمان craft.
English: اللغة الإنجليزية:
- Tr. Hiat reviewed the Alphabet letters using the felt board. How exciting!
Quran: القرآن:
Dear parents,
Assalamo alikom wa rahmato Allah wa barahatoh,
Alhamdulellah since the second term started, we finished the following suras in Quraan class : (AL-Masad, AL-Nasr ).
Now, we are working on surat AL-Kawthar. Ask your child:
1- What does AL-Kawthar mean?
2- Where is nahr AL-Kawthar?
3- Who is going to give us water from his cupped hands?
4- Who can drink from that river?
Please, always keep reciting the suras that we finished ( at home, in the car, and at bedtime).
Today, your child will bring home a registration form for the Abraar 7th Annual Quraan competition. Please if you are interested to let your child participate in the competition, fill the form and return it back. The first round will be held starting from mid February ( by the teacher in the class). While in the final round, the parents can join their children in the competition.
Jazakom Allah Khairan
The Quraan Teacher :
Nesreen Zahedah
French: اللغة الفرنسية:
- We all enjoy watching teacher Said teaching the new vocabulary by using his voice and body language. We also enjoy watching the French play!
Gymnastics الرياضة:
- Our dear students are getting more creative taking turns being the trainer to warm up their classmates.
- We played ant tag, different moves (walking, running, crawling on the tummy, crawling on the back, crawling on the bottom...etc).
- The students were encouraged to share the gym toys.The teachers helped them do so by acting a sketch to show them how sharing make everyone happy!
Coming up:
- Show and Tell starting tomorrow. The schedule will be sent by e-mail/blog shortly.
- Pajama Day on the 15th of January. A detailed e-mail/blog will follow.
- PD Day on the 22nd of January. No school for students.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran