Friday, 6 November 2015

Weekly Update (November 2-6)

Theme: All about Me كل شيء عني
We will be starting our new theme " My School مدرستي" next week, INsha'Allah. 

Language and Islamic Studies: اللغة العربية والتربية الإسلامية
- Our school's trait for this month is cleanliness. We will start talking about how to keep yourself clean inside out as a Muslim next week as well as practice memorizing the related monthly Duaa'.

- We reviewed the letters أ ، ب، ت and ث. We made the letter ث bag (ثوب، ثور ، ثوم ، ثعبان ، ثعلب), and created 3 alphabet learning centers to help students recognize and read the letters. The students had fun rotating between the 3 centers.

Arts and Crafts الفنون والأعمال اليدوية: 
- We wrapped up our ‘All about Me’ theme with a craft about one's self. We were singing the song: أنا اسمي..........، أنا مسلم سعيد، أنا اسمي ...............، عمري 4 سنوات.  as we were working on it
Science العلوم:
- We started learning about the 5 senses. And we answered some questions like: What do we do with our eyes? How do we see? How to take care of our eyes?
-  We made an experiment with milk, food coloring, and dish soap. We observed how the food  coloring started forming colorful shapes that we can all see with our eyes.

English: اللغة الإنجليزية:
- Students and teachers got very emotional listening to Tr. Hiat telling Robert Munsch's story " I love you forever" :(
- JAK Tr. Hiat for teaching our students how to practice the fire drill in an excellent way, Masha'Allah!

Quran: القرآن:
- Students are enjoying all the fun games Tr. Nisreen plays with them to memorize Quran. The pictures below tell so much!

French: اللغة الفرنسية: 
- Teacher Said started teaching the letter H, taught many vocabulary words, and showed the students the French play " Three little pigs" on T.V.

Gymnastics الرياضة:
- We started playing new gym games: 4 Corners blind fold, ball tossing, and ant tag.

Coming up:
- All About me presentations. An e-mail will follow.
- Swimming field trip.

Jazakum Allahu Khyran!