Theme: في المزرعة Farm
Language اللغة العربية:
- We are done learning
the letter Kaaf (Kaaba, Kalb, Koala, koob,).
- Students are being
assessed in their recognition of the Arabic alphabets and 2D shapes. Assessment
sheets will be sent home soon, Insha’Allah.
- Students enjoyed
being part of the talent show. JAK to PST for arranging this. It was very
entertaining and fun.
- We enjoyed baby
Summaya’s visit to our classroom. Masha’Allah she is getting bigger!
Science العلوم:
- We talked about farm
animals and their food. Students worked on matching the picture of the animal
to the right food it eats.
Math الحساب:
- We
are learning the concept of one to one correspondence. Students are counting
and matching the number of objects that are the same.
- Sand
and water table is finally here. Students are having tons of fun playing with
it. We added some toys so that student can have some sea animal hunt J
- Starr Gymnastics was a great opportunity for all the school. Students enjoyed being part of it and felt super excited going from one station to another. Thanks to PST for arranging this!

- Please
be reminded to send a box of baby wipes with your child as we ran out of wipes.
Students use the wipes for cleaning their hands before eating their morning
- As
the weather is getting warmer, please remember that sandals, slippers, and
shoes with laces are not allowed in school.
- Field
Trip to the Farm on May 8.
- Bike
Rodeo on May 26.
- Backyard Bugs
Workshop on June 19.
Jazakum Allahu Khyran