November 15,2015
Dear Parents,
We are wrapping up our theme “All about me كل شيء عني” with a homework project. I am asking you to help your child
arrange a few drawings, items, photographs, or magazine pictures that depict
your child’s interests( What he/she likes or dislikes of things they learned
how to say in Arabic). Please help your child attach the pictures or
photos within the small text boxes in the Bristol board we are going to
provide the students with or you
can provide your own poster and decorate it the way you and your child desire. It is important to
encourage active participation from your child in getting the poster ready.
This activity will provide the children with the opportunity to discover common
interests with new classmates. It also provides the children with the
opportunity to recognize that all people have likes and dislikes and that
people are alike and different in many ways.
Through the following weeks, each child will have the opportunity
to share their poster with the class. During this time, I will be encouraging
the children to verbally say: “السلام عليكم أصدقائي، أنا إسمي
......، أنا عمري 4 سنوات، هذا أنا (صورة)، لون عيني ...............، لون
شعري............، هذه عائلتي (صورة أو رسمة)، أنا سعيد، أنا أحب ...........، أنا
لا أحب.......... ".
Assalamu Alikum my friends, My name is ………….., I am ………… years old, This is
me(Student’s picture), The color of my eyes is………….., the color of my hair
is……….., This is my family (a picture or drawing of the family), I am happy, I
like…………., I do not like.
Students can list more than
one thing in their likes or dislikes text box.
We will begin sharing our presentations on November 23rd, Insha’Allah.
Please note that students will start their regular show and tell presentations
right after we are done with ‘All about Me” presentations. I appreciate your
help and cooperation.
Please check the attached:
Schedule for presentations.
How should the poster look like.
The rubricr
Please post on your Fridge
All about Me Presentations (JK2- EALIP)
Students presenting their posters
Samples for "All about Me" presentation posters
Jazakum Allahu Khyran!